
Hey that's me!

This is my face

My face but closer

my facemy face but closer

This is where I am

Where I am but closer

UK map with pin on Norwichmap of east anglia witha  pin on norwich

Who is Tim

About Me

Papa of two little boys, and married to Wonder Woman herself.

I enjoy playing music anytime I can with/at anyone who will listen.

I'm a keen 3D printer in the non-litteral sense and have enjoyed learning to code in OpenSCAD.

Comic enthusiast, Superman #1.

One of my proudest achievements is my pilots license in paragliding.

What I do

Tech Educators Ltd 🔗

I am the Course Director at Tech Educators, the UK based coding bootcamp provider, heading up the software development course.

Teaching with TechEd is so flipping rewarding! I remember when I first learnt to code, and I remember my milestone Eureka moments. Now I get so see those in the students' faces, and it's music to my eyes.

What can I do

My Tech Stack

I am primarily a JavaScript Developer working with Next.js

Other tech stacks may be available.

I'm also fairly competent at making coffee. Whole package.

Some stuff I Made

Open Source 3D Printbale Board Game

Squadron Leader 🔗

What started out as a silly little project to make a game I wish existed quickly turned into a massive Open Source project with contributors all over the world. Pretty fun.

X-Wing TMG with less rules, a smaller box & no prohibitive IP?

Sign me up babay!

Explosions and maths on a grid

Tiles 🔗

Like squares, colours, explosions and games you can play in a queue?

You're flipping welcome.

Machine Learning Pizza

libraryof.pizza 🔗

I am passionate about pizza. Specifically pizza dough.

I am passionate about 'puters and stuff.

So passionate I created libraryof.pizza, so pizziolas could use machine learning to find their own version of the perfect dough.

I've been approached my MANY people to make a coffee equivalent, so watch this space...

Table Tennis Stat Tracker

King Pong 🔗

I really am very competitive. Not to suggest I'm a sore loser, but given the opportunity to make something into a competition I will do exactly that.

Enter: King Pong. Now I can prove to anyone who works in my building that I'm actually really good at table tennis.

I swear I can actually be fun to be around...

Coding meets D&D

The Black Hack Character Generator 🔗

I had the joy of working with Harry, a good friend and GM (Game Master, or Head Geek) in making a character generator for an OSR TTRPG called The Black Hack

What that enough esoteric acronyms?

The Clone Wars Watching Assistant

The Clone Wars Chronological Watch Tracker 🔗

A tool to help you watch The Clone Wars in chronological order without losing your place.

The Clone Wars TV show was released in a funky order, so Star Wars released an official chronological order, but the experience of keeping track of what you'd watched was clunky...

...so I made this!

Coding meets Pancakes

Flippin Recipe - Pancake recipe helper 🔗

Don't you just love it when a pancake recipe online tells you to use "an egg"?

I am also a huge fan of vague incomplete instructions.

On the small chance you like to make food properly, use this app to correctly measure out your ingrediants for pancakes based entirely on the weight of the eggs.

What in Pucknation?!

What the Puck?! - Silly puck game 🔗

After an evening of playing a game we were making up as we went, I felt it was important to share this game, with at the very least, me in the morning.

What the Puck enters the chat!

Parametric Design

3D printable Counter 🔗

This was in response to the life counters that Wizards of the coast sell becoming prohibitively expensive.

Parametric means you can change few parameters and the whole thing changes. This required some maths I'm not qualified to take credit for.

dApp for Teaching dApps

Very Trendy Super Simple dApp 🔗

I feel rather strongly that the current state of web3 is NOT the future.

That said, the technology is incredible. Maybe one day we can use it for some good?

Whatever happens, here is a little mini lesson on how a part of that tech works.

Blockchain Pizza

Dough DAO (DAOugh) 🔗

This was another project that was super world changing... truly ground breaking stuff. The world needed a community of web3 forward pizziolas patting each other on the back for their work.

Web3 saves the world yet again...

Let's chinwag!

I'm not looking for any new opportunities, but I do like talking to interesting people. So ask me a question or tell me about your cool new thing.
I love hearing about things.

Email me

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